Christ honored eight virtues which are contemptible in the eyes of the world, with the titles of beatitudes. He has made these so many steps by which we may ascend to heaven in order to enjoy our ultimate and everlasting happiness.
These are poverty of spirit, meekness, sorrow for sins, hunger and thirst after justice, mercy, purity of heart, the making of peace both with God and man, and the suffering of persecutions for Christ's sake . . .
First, he is poor in spirit, who in affection is ready to lose all rather than offend God. Secondly, he who actually leaves all for God's sake. Thirdly, he who never aspires to things above himself, and does not presume in himself, and does not court the praises of men. Fourthly, he who denies his own will and judgment, and submits himself to others. Fifthly, he who acknowledges that everything which he has comes from God, and who is intimately convinced of his own nothingness, acknowledging with the Prophet, "my substance is as nothing before Thee" (Ps 38:6). Though not bound to practise all, every Christian is bound to practise some of the above acts.
-- Baxter, Meditations