Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Let Us Pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory

For those poor souls, who may not pray --
For gone is their probation day --
We plead Thy cross and humbly say,
Miserere, Domine.

Jesus, for Thee they keenly long,
To company with saintly throng,
And, ransomed, sing the new glad song.
Miserere, Domine.

May they with saints in glory shine,
Joined with angelic orders nine,
Link them with Thee in joys divine,
Miserere, Domine.

Enter may they through Heaven's door
To walk in white on yonder shore
Forever, Lord, forevermore!
Miserere, Domine.

As pants the hart for cooling spring,
As bird flies home with wearied wing,
Homeward they turn; Lord, homeward bring.
Miserere, Domine.

-- Rev. Frederick George Lee, DD