Sunday, May 4, 2008

Practices in Honor of Mary

Father Bowden, of the Oratory, suggests the following practices in honor of Mary. They may be drawn by lot, or otherwise chosen, at the beginning of a month.

  1. Take a short time during your recreation to spend in solitude conversing with Mary, or in meditation on the mysteries of her life.
  2. Rise punctually in the morning, invoking her as "the morning star".
  3. Invoke her 63 times as "Virgin Mother" in honor of her 63 years.
  4. Visit in spirit one of her great sanctuaries.
  5. Mortify your will three times as an offering to Mary.
  6. Say three Glorias in honor of the saints and Doctors who have explained and defended her prerogatives.
  7. Gain indulgences for the soul in purgatory most devoted to the Blessed Virgin in life; offer Mass and Communion for this purpose.
  8. Ask Mary to be present with you during the day to drive away evil spirits.
  9. Perform some act of kindness with inconvenience to yourself.
  10. Say three Hail Marys in reparation for the blasphemies uttered against her.
  11. Give an alms in honor of her poverty.
  12. Invoke the saints who were related to her -- Saints Joseph, Joachim, Anne, etc.
  13. Mortify your sight, once or more, in honor of Mary's modesty.
  14. Burn a candle before her image or picture.
  15. Recall with devotion her words recorded in the Gospel, remembering how many of your sins are committed in speech. Bear your sufferings and sorrows silently and patiently.
  16. Say the litany for the conversion of a soul for Mary to offer to God.
  17. Shun idleness during the day in imitation of Mary at Nazareth.
  18. Say a Hail Mary in honor of St. Gabriel, who brought it to earth.
  19. Practice some little mortification at meals.
  20. Before going to sleep, place yourself with the infant Jesus in Mary's arms.
  21. Say seven Glorias with extended arms, in honor of her seven dolors.
  22. Make a spiritual communion in union with her dispositions at the time of the Annunciation.
  23. Say a Memorare to obtain Mary's help at the hour of death.
  24. Keep silence for a short time, and with Mary ponder on God's words in your heart.
  25. Say a Hail Mary before going to bed, in order to prevent one mortal sin during the night.
  26. Visit her altar or image in atonement for the desecration of her sanctuaries.
  27. Say nine Hail Marys in union with the nine choirs of angels who are ever praising her.
  28. Say a Salve [Hail Holy Queen] for the spread of devotion to her.
  29. Say 15 Glorias, in honor of the last 15 years of Mary's life, for the grace of perseverance.
  30. Kiss the ground, and say three Hail Marys for the virtue of holy purity.
  31. Say a Hail Mary in reparation for your neglect of Mary's service during this month.
  32. Distribute leaflets in praise of Mary, scapulars, medals, pictures, and beads, to promote devotion to the blessed Mother of God.