Saturday, May 3, 2008

Means to Obtain True Devotion to Our Lady

  1. To make mental prayer on the mysteries of her life, and in her relationship to us.
  2. To read books written in her praise, and to spread them among others, or to distribute her images or beads.
  3. To recite her Little Office, Rosary, or any chaplets in her honor.
  4. To invoke her daily at the Angelus, and by frequent ejaculations, but especially by the Hail Mary.
  5. To wear one or more of her scapulars, or an image or medal of her.
  6. To visit her altar, and to pay special reverence to her images.
  7. To offer Mass or Communion in her honor, or to give alms for a Mass to be said for the same purpose.
  8. To keep with great devotion her principal feasts, their novenas and octaves.
  9. To gain indulgences for the soul in Purgatory most devoted to her in life.
  10. To practise some mortification in her honor, especially on Saturday.
  11. Above all, to imitate her virtues, without which true devotion to her is impossible.

-- Bowden, Miniature Life of Mary