Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Seed of Glory

Let us cherish and treasure this short life which is to be the seed of our future glory. Let us make the most of our chances by meriting, and snatch at each little occasion of gaining something for heaven.

-- Father Dignam, SJ
Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven, 1419-35

Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven, 1419-35

Giclee Print

Fra Angelico

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Correct Thing in the Home Circle

It is the correct thing:

-- For both (husband and wife) to "bear and forbear" with each other.

-- To remember that a home without God cannot long be a happy one.

-- For every room in the house to be as attractive in its way as the parlor.

-- To have family prayers in common where possible.

-- To be punctilious about saying grace before meals, and returning thanks afterward.

-- To let no unpleasant subject ever be broached at table.

-- For a Christian "to eat to live, not live to eat".

-- For a Catholic to serve Friday fare on Friday, no matter who is expected to dine.

-- To have a crucifix in every bedroom.

-- To have Catholic engravings or paintings in the parlors as well as in bedrooms.

-- To celebrate both the birthdays and the feasts of the patron saints of the several members of the family . . .

-- Leila Hardin Bugg, The Correct Thing for Catholics
One of the Family

One of the Family

Art Print

Cotman, Frederick...

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Mustard Seed

Mustard Seed

Art Print

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

Hot Coals

If thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him water to drink; for thou shalt heap hot coals upon his head, and the Lord will reward thee.

-- Proverbs
The Charity of St. Anthony Abbot

The Charity of St. Anthony Abbot

Giclee Print

Master Of The...

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A Young Man Between Virtue and Vice

A Young Man Between Virtue and Vice

Giclee Print

Veronese, Paolo

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Riches shall not profit in the day of revenge, but justice shall deliver from death.

-- Proverbs
Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime, 1808

Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime, 1808

Giclee Print


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St. Antonio Claret, Oct. 24

Read more here.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Without anxiety

Great affairs do not distract us so much as small ones when these are numerous. This is why we must receive them peacefully, striving to do them in order one after the other, without anxiety. By so doing, they become for us occasions of much merit.

-- St. Francis de Sales
Children in New Caledonia Taken to the Washing Place by the Missionary Sisters

Children in New Caledonia Taken to the Washing Place by the Missionary Sisters

Giclee Print

French School

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Judge, Woman and Child

Judge, Woman and Child

Giclee Print

Daumier, Honore

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Friday, October 19, 2007

The Miraculous Intervention of Ss Peter and Paul in the Battle of Lepanto, 7th October 1571

The Miraculous Intervention of Ss Peter and Paul in the Battle of Lepanto, 7th October 1571

Giclee Print


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The Least Action

Those who are perfect and walk with simplicity do nothing but what is agreeable to God, because they seek in all things to please Him; such is the end of all their occupations and of all their actions. To please God is their only ambition, hence the great merit they acquire in performing the least action.

-- Rodriguez
Detail of a Memorial Tablet with the Figure of a Dove or a Sparrow, Roman, 3rd Century BC

Detail of a Memorial Tablet with the Figure of a Dove or a Sparrow, Roman, 3rd Century BC

Giclee Print

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Seeking for Approval

If it happens that you say or do something which is not well received by all, you should not for this reason reflect much upon it, because it is beyond a doubt that it is self-love which makes us seek to be approved in what we say or do. Simplicity abandons to Providence the success of actions done for Him.

-- St. Francis de Sales
St. Luke as a Painter Before Christ on the Cross, circa 1660

St. Luke as a Painter Before Christ on the Cross, circa 1660

Giclee Print


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