Monday, December 31, 2007

At Year's End

What does there remain to me of the year which is about to end? There remains to me a sweet and consoling remembrance of the trouble which the good I have done cost me; the trouble is past, the remembance endures. There remains to me a bitter remembrance of the satisfaction I have felt in my effeminate and sensual life; the satisfaction is past, but the bitter remembrance endures . . . Just God, I understand, it is imperative on me to change my life. It is done, I will be converted.

Hamon, Meditations
The Light of the World

The Light of the World

Art Print

Hunt, William...

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Constantine Presents Rome to Pope Sylvester I

Constantine Presents Rome to Pope Sylvester I

Giclee Print


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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thoughts of the Past Year

Before the year is over it is well to ask ourselves: "What do my thoughts say of me? How many of them have been for Him, and how many for myself? What am I eager for, His interests or my own gain?" And, as nobody need know but ourselves, let us tell ourselves the truth honestly.

-- Father Dignam, SJ
Ring in the New

Ring in the New

Art Print


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The Holy Family in Nazareth

The Holy Family in Nazareth

Giclee Print

Quispe Tito,...

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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Rehearsing for Heaven

When we reach heaven, in what state shall we be? Certainly one very important feature of it will be the absence of all bitterness and criticisms, and the way in which our expanded minds will be possessed with thoughts of the most tender and overflowing kindness. By cultivating kind thoughts we are in a very special way rehearsing for heaven.

-- Father Faber
Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Giclee Print

Metsys, Quentin

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Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven, 1419-35

Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven, 1419-35

Giclee Print

Fra Angelico

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Thomas a Becket Archbishop of Canterbury is Murdered is His Own Cathedral by Knights

Thomas a Becket Archbishop of Canterbury is Murdered is His Own Cathedral by Knights

Giclee Print

Kronheim, Joseph

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Friday, December 28, 2007

The Longest Day

The longest day has its evening, the hardest work its ending, and the sharpest pain its contented and everlasting rest.

-- Father Faber
Flight into Egypt

Flight into Egypt

Giclee Print

Thoma, Hans

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Massacre of the Innocents, Detail

Massacre of the Innocents, Detail

Giclee Print

Giotto di Bondone

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Bond of Charity

To have peace of heart there must be charity in thought -- avoiding envy, suspicion, jealousy, and all that embitters the mind; in word -- avoiding calumny, detraction, unkindness of speech; in action -- by being kindly and thoughtful in act toward others, even generous and self-sacrificing at times, and free from selfishness.

-- Rev. Joseph McDonnell, SJ
Good King Wenceslas

Good King Wenceslas

Giclee Print

Anderson, Anne

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The Stoning of St. Stephen, 1625

The Stoning of St. Stephen, 1625

Giclee Print

Rembrandt van...

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007


All the world was at peace at the moment when Christ was born. The angry passions of men were hushed as if in compliment to the Prince of Peace. He never comes where strife and confusion prevail. If I desire that He should come into my heart today, I must resolve to keep under my evil passions, and the self-will that dares to do battle against the will of God.

-- Rev. R.F. Clarke, SJ, The Devout Year


Giclee Print

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Nativity and Visitation of the Shepherds from Duc De Berry's Tres Belle Heures, Begun circa 1382

Nativity and Visitation of the Shepherds from Duc De Berry's Tres Belle Heures, Begun circa 1382

Giclee Print

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Prayer

O God, Who year by year makest us to look forward in joy of heart to the festival of the birth of Thine only-begotten Son; grant that, even as we now gladly welcome Him for our Redeemer, so we may trustfully go forth to meet Him when He shall one day return as our Judge.

-- The Roman Missal
Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Giclee Print

Dore, Gustave

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Les Heures D'Etienne Chevalier: Birth of John Baptist

Les Heures D'Etienne Chevalier: Birth of John Baptist

Giclee Print

Fouquet, Jean

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David and Nathan, 1672

David and Nathan, 1672

Giclee Print

Scheits, Matthias

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Sunday, December 23, 2007


To do good and get no praise for it, no reward, is the sure way to have double reward in heaven. To try to do good and to fail through no fault of ours is no loss to us. God is honored by our efforts, not by our success.

-- Father Dignam, SJ
Saint Mark Rewarding the Theological Virtues

Saint Mark Rewarding the Theological Virtues

Giclee Print

Veronese, Paolo

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Mystic Nativity, 1500

Mystic Nativity, 1500

Giclee Print


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St. Joseph with the Jesus Child

St. Joseph with the Jesus Child

Giclee Print

Reni, Guido

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Habit of Praise

We were created to praise, not to blame and censure. If once we could get into the habit of praise and never blame others, except when strictly obliged by duty, this alone would make us great saints.

-- Father Dignam, SJ
The Visitation

The Visitation

Giclee Print

Bloch, Carl

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Text of the Magnificat with a Portrait of Baruch, from "Heures a L'Usage De Rome"

Text of the Magnificat with a Portrait of Baruch, from "Heures a L'Usage De Rome"

Giclee Print

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Facsimile Copy of 1 Samuel 1:8 Elkanah Comforts Hannah

Facsimile Copy of 1 Samuel 1:8 Elkanah Comforts Hannah

Giclee Print

German School

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